Greenhouse vs. Outdoor Hemp Farming

As the hemp industry continues to grow more new and seasoned hemp farmers are learning the benefits of growing their hemp in greenhouses for various reasons. The greenhouse method is becoming one of the most researched ways to start a farm. With outdoor being the more traditional route, greenhouse growth’s popularity has raised questions to its effectiveness.


Greenhouse Growing

What to consider when growing in a greenhouse:

  1. Having the opportunity to fine tune and bring maximum potential out of hemp, is one of the many benefits of greenhouse growing methods. Considering moisture retention and the other countless factors that it takes to grow any plant, it has been shown that greenhouse growth maximizes not only the taste but the look in hemp products.

  2. Greenhouse farms also allow you to limit the exposure of unwanted pests. Critters like fungus gnats and mealybugs thrive in humid conditions and destroy basic house plants - even hemp. By controlling the mold and mildew points in a greenhouse, you are able to better eliminate and/or assess the harms that come with unwanted guests.

  3. The greenhouse method allows you to shield your plants from an excess amount of rays, administering smaller amounts that can benefit the grower over time. This essentially aids in creating a premium hemp product that obtains fairly consistent CBD levels.

  4. Like any organic product, creating a thriving biome is key, so with fluctuating weather from season to season, greenhouse growth gives you the option to protect your hemp. With a greenhouse growing it makes it easier to grow your crop any time of year.


Outdoor Growing

What to consider when growing outdoors:

  1. Outdoor growing has the ability to amplify the root system of hemp through the depth of the earth's soil. Absorption from the dense, nutrient-rich soil, allows for more organic growth.

  1. Insects like ladybugs and grove beetles benefit your hemp growth by preying on the other harmful pests, but these specific ones thrive in outdoor conditions. 

  2. Outdoor grown hemp requires more pesticides and more protection than they would if they were grown indoors or in a greenhouse. The pesticides and outdoor elements caught in the leaves and flowers make the hemp harder to clean once the plant is ready for harvest.

  3. UV rays tend to dampen the quality of hemp. Similar to our skin, overexposure can damage the cells. With outdoor conditions you have natural rays that can also benefit hemp. However, this could potentially obscure the amount of CBD in the hemp plant. But, this also allows for for the plant to grow with no height restrictions.

  4. Weather conditions, like harsh rain and dry-hot temperatures, can easily reduce the quality of the crop that’s being grown.

Whether you choose to grow in a greenhouse or outdoor, it is always important to pay close attention to the needs of your plants. Each method has its pros and cons and is ultimately up to the grower and the environment. For our first year of growing we did a lot of research to help us decide that greenhouse was the best method for us. With the ever-changing weather in Texas it was best to have a more controlled setting to produce a quality product. Comment below with your preferred growing method.

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